Generate patients unique identification number, receive consultation,investigation payment, track due payment, view patients past medical records & more.
Manage patient admission/discharge/transfer, allocate bed/ward/cabin, patient information, discharged patient list, hospital, pharmacy bill due list & more.
Receive investigation request, collect sample, faster result entry, deliver reports based on payment status, notification for reagent stock & more.
Medicine management, alert for expired medicine, low stock notification, gross profit reports, rack/shelf management, medicine sales report & more.
Transparent accounts, general ledger, accounts payable & receivable, chart of accounts, balance sheet, profit & loss, daybook, cash book, bank book & more.
Employee & staff management, attendance, attendance history, leave report, duty roster, salary sheet, payslip, loans & advance tracking & much more.
Easily manage your client/vendor from one place. Manage client/vendor profile, list. Easily find out their payment information as well & much more.
Quick access to license, handle multi-pack licenses, email alert for expiring licenses, smart document management, separate document storing & more.
Patient list & reports, appointment list, faster e-prescription system, previous patient prescription, past medical records & more.
Generate attractive reports of your assets consisting of current, fixed assets to evaluate how's your organization performing & more.